Dear patients.
COVID-19 has been a very difficult time for all of us. Many of you have been forced to wait for dental care, and we deeply appreciate your understanding while we kept our office closed to help control the spread of the coronavirus.
We are happy to say that we are planning to reopen our office for patient treatment on 5/7/2020. We will be resuming our regular hours of operations.
Your health and well-being continue to be our highest priority, and we are ONLY opening because we have carefully planned and revised our office procedures to greatly minimize the risk of infection for our patients and our team members. Our own families are also patients here, so you can be assured that we’ll be taking care of you just as well as we’ll be taking care of them.
For your peace of mind, the measures we will be taking to provide a safe dental treatment experience include, but are not limited to, the following:
Upon Your Arrival at the Office
- Patients will be screened BEFORE entering the office and temperatures will be checked. Any patients showing signs of a fever or other symptoms of illness will be asked to reschedule their appointment.
- ONLY patients will be allowed entry into the office. Parents and other family members will be asked to wait outside whenever possible.
- Patients are asked to wait in their cars or outside the office until their scheduled appointment time.
- Please ring the front door bell at the time of your appointment.
- Each patient will be given a face mask and gloves to wear during the visit.
- The waiting area chairs will be spaced apart to allow for 6 feet of distancing.
- We will ask that you continue to practice social distancing measures in common areas of the office, including the front desk.
- The door between the waiting area and operatories will be propped open all day.
- There will be no physical contact with patients with the exception of treatment.
During Treatment
- All rooms will be COMPLETELY sterilized before each patient is seated, and public areas, including restrooms, will be cleaned and sterilized frequently throughout the day.
- All operatories have high-volume air filtration and purification units. The units are capable of removing particles smaller than COVID-19 viruses.
- Our team will STRICTLY follow guidelines set forth by the CDC, OSHA, and ADA in regards to personal protective equipment (PPE) and office sterilization.
- During patient care, powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) and a gown will be worn by everyone in the clinic and changed between patients.
- All surfaces that came in contact with the patient will be wiped with disinfectant including the patient chair and the accessory chair where the patient placed their personal items and/or coat hanger.
Checking Out After Your Appointment
After every transaction, the checkout desk and glass will be wiped with a disinfectant.
We are proceeding with an abundance of caution, but we want you to feel as confident as we do that any visit you make to our office will be a safe one.
To discuss these payment options, schedule an appointment, or ask us any questions you may have about your next visit, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 713.623.6622
We look forward to seeing you soon!

PAPR and Gown